I'm wheelchair-bound & blogging about Gratitude to improve life

Day: July 21, 2021

Kendrick Avant, Agent of Gratitude

Iโ€™m Kendrick Avant, Professor of Gratitude and owner of mindset OVER bullshit University, because I slide into any situation, share stories of Gratitude, help others BE better and leave tools to BE better despite illness or disability. If you struggle with OVER-thinking and negative thoughts, I teach how to accept reality and glow perspective.

Gratitude Journal Day #290: Wednesday, 7/21/21

I’m dropping these nuggets and then… #kendrickavant #agentofgratitude #ifyoucantgetbetterbebetter #gratitudejournal #mindset #grateful #GratefulAF #Attitude #Authentic #Passion #Purpose #Perspective #energy #GratitudeChangesPerspective #agencyofgratitude #thanks #wellness #keepgoing #dontstop #restdontquit #doYOU #allaboutyou #allthingsonelove #sickAF #disabled #mindset #improve #grow #BEbetterย ย