MS Diary | Wednesday, 3/27/24 | Grateful how it’s coming together

MS Diary | Wednesday, 3/27/24 | Grateful how it’s coming together

I talk a LOT of shit. It’s true, sincere, informative but I’m going to share.

In the great debate of medicine vs. wellness, I’m clearly siding with wellness. All my best experiences were with an intentional focus on yoga, diet, water, cannabis, sage, mindset… It was glorious.

When I switched to Western Medicine, things changed. Don’t get me wrong. I tried Western Medicine because I knew my Multiple Sclerosis was drastically “improving”. My health was dramatically declining.

Results? I can’t think of anything positive. Nothing, none, nada. That’s why I’ve wanted to reverse course, go back to Wellness but it’s soooo hard. Now that I’m physically worse, it’s crazy difficult starting, damn near impossible to keep going.

Then, my homie paid for a MS Gym subscription. Wow. I’m still blown away. Next, the UT Volunteer Program chose me for its Wellness program. I get armbike, weights, bands, videos, instructions, weekly meetings with medical professionals, it’s amazing!

*deep breathe*

Manifestations are happening. Blessings are aligning.
Pressure is a MF.
If it is to be, it’s all on me.



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