Gratitude Journal Day #1352: Wednesday, 5/22/24

What and WHY I'm grateful today. I model this so others learn to put mindset OVER bullshit.

Whatever Log! (Random thoughts, questions, opinions. I don’t catch enough dreams for a dream log.)

Gratitude stories!

Remember, the difference between being grateful and showing gratitude is the WHY story. As long as you are writing your story of why you’re grateful, you can’t overthink past decisions, wish for the “good, ol’ days”, wonder how much worse your health will or question if anyone else will leave.


3.) 1st PT in months – My last PT was June 2023, almost a year ago. At the time, I felt PT was more helpful than all the pills, fusions, and injections. Even on bad days, having a PT stretch me out and cover me through exercises had healing effects. I wanted it, needed it, and loved it. A year later, without any PT or OT, I still feel this way. My new PT already gifted me with an easier route out of the bed. Now, I have easier ways to perform standing exercises. That’s huge. Standing exercises stretch body parts that are regularly locked up with spasticity. On top of that, it’s a win mentally. I get excited seeing and feeling myself stand. It wears me out quickly but also hypes me up, drastically increasing my energy levels. I get so crunk that I need to calm myself, remember that I will hurt myself, trying to do too much. I’d pay a handsome price for that much feel-good. Well, Thursday is the next visit.

2.) Exterminator scheduled – Since we built this home in 2016, black carpenter ants have been a problem. We’ve tried several exterminators but nobody has solved the issue. I got a new one. *deep breathe* I sure can’t quit because my work space is their favorite meeting spot! It’s wild sitting at a desk, grinding, pain popping, ants crawling over the keyboard, monitor, my hands, and doing not to overreact. I know smashing them would only result in MORE carpenter ants. Thursday can’t come quick enough!

1.) Western Conference Finals – It begins tonight. This series is expected to be a slobber-kmocker. I know I’ll be busy with my group texts. I’m more excited about that than the actual game!!! LOL.

Previous Gratitude: Tuesday, 5/21/24

Next Gratitude: Thursday, 5/23/24

Self-care Stats (always taken from YESTERDAY’S activities. 🫡)

Did I work out yesterday? –

Yoga – 🚫

Meditation – 🚫

Water – 50oz

Manifestation – Day 2

Self-talk – B

Feet up 5min – 🚫

Standing 3+ min – 🚫

Lay on stomach 5min – 🚫

Sit & stand – 🚫

Sleep – 6/3 (hours vs getting out of bed)



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