Gratitude Journal Day #1353: Thursday, 5/23/24

What and WHY I'm grateful today. I model this so others learn to put mindset OVER bullshit.

Whatever Log! (Random thoughts, questions, opinions. I don’t catch enough dreams for a dream log.)

Gratitude stories!

Remember, the difference between being grateful and showing gratitude is the WHY story. As long as you are writing your story of why you’re grateful, you can’t overthink past decisions, wish for the “good, ol’ days”, wonder how much worse your health will or question if anyone else will leave.


3.) Cleaned a little more – I’m getting my room together slowly, veeeery slowly. Recovering from the slipped disc encourages me to usher other recoveries, my half of the bedroom, my half of the bathroom, my usual living room spots. Something about being in a clean area, improves my mood and Inner G (pronounced “energy”).  Being clean, chilling in a clean area, knowing YOU cleaned everything is an ultimate feeling of triumph. I figure I’ll finish tomorrow with a shower of myself. Take on the weekend as a restored King.

2.) My list helped – Wednesday is MY day with the wife. We have about 4hrs of interrupted streaming. In order to maximize the time, I’m keeping a list of shows categorized by app. It seriously cuts all the wasted trying to remember what to watch.

1.) A Man in Full (Netflix, 2024) – This is gooooood. It ended being the only series we needed to enjoy Wednesday off. S/O to the favorites for recommending it. *tips hat*

Previous Gratitude: Wednesday, 5/22/24

Next Gratitude: Friday, 5/24/24

Self-care Stats (always taken from YESTERDAY’S activities. 🫡)

Did I work out yesterday? – 🚫

Yoga – 🚫

Meditation – 🚫

Water – 50oz

Manifestation – Day 2

Self-talk – B+

Feet up 5min – 🚫

Standing 3+ min – 🚫

Lay on stomach 5min – 🚫

Sit & stand – 🚫

Sleep – 4/1 (hours vs getting out of bed)



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