Gratitude Journal Day #1356: Sunday, 5/26/24

What and WHY I'm grateful today. I model this so others learn to put mindset OVER bullshit.

Whatever Log! (Random thoughts, questions, opinions. I don’t catch enough dreams for a dream log.)

Gratitude stories!

Remember, the difference between being grateful and showing gratitude is the WHY story. As long as you are writing your story of why you’re grateful, you can’t overthink past decisions, wish for the “good, ol’ days”, wonder how much worse your health will or question if anyone else will leave.


3.) Reddit affirmation – Wow. This is the greatest confirmation I can remember. I’ll share what she wrote…

Well good! Sounds like you are doing everything right. (Not that doing the right thing is ever easy…) It blows my mind to think of you at home while you watch your family go off to enjoy a holiday because they can. On one hand, of course you do… what choice is there really?  Of course you wouldn’t want them to suffer too. But on the other- the fact that you are home writing stories of gratitude says everything to me about who you are as a man and as a human being. I have only the highest respect for you. Your family should be very proud and grateful too.  That’s the sum total of it.  All the best to you. Sincerely.

2.) Family love – I’m so jacked off THIS one. My family helped with the A/C repair and sent money for my health insurance. I started crying yesterday! Confirmation and affirmation have me excited for life today!

1.) Hanging w/ 1st Born – I feel like a good Dad! My eldest hanging out with ME? Talking movies, shows, my current health, siblings, it was awesome and woke me up.

Previous Gratitude: Saturday, 5/25/24

Next Gratitude: Monday, 5/27/24

Self-care Stats (always taken from YESTERDAY’S activities. 🫡)

Did I work out yesterday? – 🚫

Yoga – 🚫

Meditation – 🚫

Water – 50oz

Manifestation – Day 2

Self-talk – B

Feet up 5min – 🚫

Rocking Abductors – 🚫

Standing 3+ min – 🚫

Lay on stomach 5min – 🚫

Sit & stand – 🚫

Bridges x10  – 🚫

Lay on back, abductors x10 – 🚫

Sit and pick toes/front foot – 🚫

Seated Abduction exercises – 🚫

Sleep – 6/3 (hours vs getting out of bed)



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